Social Security Services
Why Hire Us As Your Social Security Disability Attorney:
We are the best Social Security Disability Attorneys because of our experience, aggression, and knowledge of the law and Judges. We also have a proven track record of quickly getting our clients their Social Security Disability Benefits.
Our Social Security Disability Lawyers Will Fight For Your Claims
Our motto is “We Win The Tough Ones.” Our Social Security Disability Lawyers work up every case extensively and even help with the cost of medical development if necessary. We can get a large percentage of disability cases approved without going to a hearing. This prevents the financial ruin that can result from disability.
You Will Always Be Represented By An Social Security Disability Lawyer At Your Hearing:
Beware of the big national Social Security Disability Law Firms who generally do not use lawyers to represent clients at hearings. These firms employ non-attorney “advocates” to appear at hearings, and you usually never even meet your “advocate” until a few minutes before your hearing. This puts your disability claim in serious jeopardy. With us, your case is always handled by a Social Security Disability Lawyer who is a Disability Hearing expert. You will not have to worry that an inexperienced “advocate” will show up at the last minute unprepared for your hearing.
Local Offices:
We have California offices in Sacramento, Chico, Oroville, Marysville, and Stockton. Regional offices enable us to meet with you in person as necessary to ensure your case is worked up completely, you are comfortable with your attorney, and you are well prepared to appear before the Judge. The big national firms do not provide this service (all pre-hearing work from them is done over the phone), which we believe is unfair to you. Local offices enable us to appear before the same Judges every week, which keeps our strong relationships with them active. We also do a significant number of hearings outside the cities in which we have offices. We can also accommodate you with telephone appointments if you prefer or if your disability prevents travel. No matter the situation, our number one priority always remains getting you approved as soon as possible.
Don't Delay - The Sooner You Call Us, The Sooner We Can Get You The Benefits You Deserve! Call Us Now At (800) 404-4458.